54774 Jack Dr.
Macomb, MI 48042
Phone: 989-370-1426
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New Products
AR15-20 - Assault Rifle Magazine Case
* Comes in B/W, Plain and Patent Leather
*** Patent Pending ***
AR15-20 - Assault Rifle Magazine Case
* Comes in B/W, Plain and Patent Leather
*** Patent Pending ***
AR15-30 - Assault Rifle Magazine Case
* Comes in B/W, Plain and Patent Leather
*** Patent Pending ***

ITGH - Inside Trouser Glock Holster
Clip-on DRB
* Clip-on for Detroit Reserve Badge
* Badge Cut-out is exclusively from Marvelous Promotion *
click to enlarge
** Illustration purpose **
* Neck ID Chain w/Detroit Reserve Badge
* Badge cut-out is exclusively from Marvelous Promotion *

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* Breast Badge Backer
* Comes in Clorino, Basketweave & Plain
click to enlarge
WSB - Web Sam Browne Belt
* 2-1/4" W
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IBH - Ice Badge Holder
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e-mail: tnsservices@comcast.net
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